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Fast Password

Fast Password

The browser extension to auto-fill passwords instantly
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Users often struggle with creating and managing strong passwords across different sites, frequently opening multiple tools or websites to generate them.
Fast Password is a browser extension that allows users to generate secure passwords with just one click directly in their browser, without needing to navigate to other websites or tools.
Ideal for e-commerce shoppers, online banking users, and frequent web sign-ups who need to quickly generate and manage secure passwords.
Unique Features
One-click password generation directly in the browser without navigating away.
User Comments
Users appreciate the convenience and simplicity of password creation.
Positive feedback on the extension's seamless integration with browsers.
Appreciated for improving online security with strong password suggestions.
Some concerns about data security and privacy of the stored passwords.
Requests for multi-browser compatibility and mobile support.
Newly launched on Product Hunt, positive initial reviews, exact user numbers and revenue not disclosed.
Market Size
The global password management market size is projected to grow to $2.05 billion by 2025.

UP Mode Extension

Protecting browser extensions' privacy with one click.
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Users struggle with maintaining privacy while using browser extensions as they are always visible and can compromise personal data.
Drawbacks: Constant visibility of browser extensions leads to privacy concerns and potential data breaches.
Browser extension tool
Hide pinned browser extensions to protect user privacy and save time.
Core features: Concealing pinned browser extensions with one-click privacy protection.
Internet users who value privacy and efficiency in their browsing experience.
Occupation or specific position: Individuals concerned about online privacy and looking to streamline their browsing activities.
Unique Features
One-click privacy protection by hiding browser extensions.
Focus on saving time by concealing pinned extensions.
User Comments
Saves time with each use.
Simple and efficient browser extension.
Effective in maintaining privacy while browsing.
Convenient tool for hiding sensitive extensions.
Useful for streamlining the browsing experience.
Growing user adoption.
Positive user reviews highlighting its simplicity and effectiveness.
Increasing downloads and positive feedback on ProductHunt platform.
Market Size
$1.5 billion market size for privacy-focused browser tools and extensions, expected to grow due to increasing concerns about online privacy and data security.

Password Generator

An open-source cross-browser extension
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Users often struggle with creating strong and unique passwords for different accounts, leading to the use of weak, easily guessable passwords that compromise security. Creating strong and unique passwords
A cross-browser extension that automates the generation of strong, unique passwords for users. This tool simplifies the process of securing accounts across different platforms by providing quick, secure password solutions directly within the browser interface. Automates the generation of strong, unique passwords
Individual users, cybersecurity professionals, and anyone concerned with enhancing their online security.
User Comments
Saves time and enhances security
Easy to use across different browsers
Open-source aspect builds trust
Essential tool for personal cybersecurity
Streamlines password management
Newly launched on ProductHunt with positive reviews, specific user numbers and financial metrics unavailable.
Market Size
$13.1 billion by 2028 for the global password management market (estimation).
Browser users need a convenient way to take and access notes directly within their browser, without the hassle of switching between apps or dealing with disorganized and unsynchronizable notes. The hassle of switching between apps and dealing with disorganized, unsynchronizable notes is the main drawback.
Browser Note offers a Chrome extension that serves as an intuitive browser companion, enabling users to quickly create notes, and easily access organized, searchable, and synchronized notes directly within their browser.
The user personas most likely to use this product include students, professionals, researchers, and anyone looking for a streamlined method to take and organize notes directly in their web browser.
Unique Features
The unique aspects of Browser Note include its seamless integration into the Chrome browser, its capabilities for organizing, searching, and synchronizing notes across devices, and its focus on enhancing user productivity without leaving the browser.
User Comments
Users praise its ease of use and seamless integration with Chrome.
Many appreciate the ability to keep notes organized and easily accessible.
The search function within notes is highlighted as particularly useful.
Syncing notes across devices is a much-appreciated feature.
Some users suggest further enhancements to customization options.
Browser Note was recently showcased on Product Hunt, highlighting its effective solution for in-browser note-taking. While specific numbers regarding users or revenue are not provided, the positive response on Product Hunt suggests growing interest and potential user base expansion.
Market Size
The global productivity apps market, closely related to solutions like Browser Note, is expected to reach $58 billion by 2026, demonstrating a sizable opportunity for in-browser productivity tools.

Fabric browser extension

Rediscover your notes and files as you browse
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Users struggle to manage and rediscover their saved notes and files effectively when searching online, leading to inefficient research and knowledge management.
Fabric Browser Extension is a tool that acts as an AI-powered research assistant within your web browser. It enables users to see relevant notes and content they've saved when they search Google, make lasting notes on websites, and instantly save content from the web.
Researchers, students, writers, and professionals who frequently collect information online and need an efficient way to manage and retrieve their notes and resources.
Unique Features
The unique features of Fabric Browser Extension include its integration with Google search, allowing for automatic retrieval of relevant saved notes and content, and the ability to make persistent notes directly on websites.
User Comments
There are no specific users' comments found in the provided information. Further research on users' opinions is required.
Specific traction details such as number of users, MRR, or financing round are not provided in the initial information. Additional research is needed to determine the product's traction.
Market Size
The global productivity software market, which Fabric Browser Extension is part of, was valued at $46.49 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow significantly.

2FAS Browser Extension

Stop rewriting 2FA tokens, safely log in with just one tap
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Users often face the inconvenience of manually typing in 2-factor authentication (2FA) tokens during login, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
A browser extension that auto-enters 2FA tokens, allowing users to log in more conveniently and faster to online services with 2FA enabled. Users must install the extension and pair it with the 2FAS app on their phone.
The primary users are likely individuals who frequently access online services requiring 2FA, such as tech professionals, remote workers, and security-conscious users.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is its ability to automatically enter 2FA tokens, saving users time and reducing the likelihood of input errors.
User Comments
Users find the extension highly useful for speeding up the 2FA process.
Many appreciate the added security without compromising convenience.
Some users mention a learning curve when first setting up the product.
Positive feedback on the seamless integration with the 2FAS app.
Suggestions for wider compatibility with more online services.
The extension has been positively received on Product Hunt with a significant number of upvotes.
Feedback suggests a growing user base interested in streamlining their 2FA process.
The extension's integration with the 2FAS app indicates an ecosystem approach to security.
Market Size
As of 2023, the global market for multi-factor authentication (MFA) is expected to reach $18.5 billion, indicating a large potential market for 2FAS Browser Extension.

PayFill Auto

Extension that autofills test card details into fields
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Developers and testers often struggle with manually entering test credit card details into payment forms during testing, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.
PayFill Auto, a browser extension, auto-fills test credit card details and payment information into checkout fields, streamlining the development and testing process for e-commerce systems.
The primary users of PayFill Auto are likely developers, testers, and quality assurance professionals involved in e-commerce development.
Unique Features
The unique feature of PayFill Auto is its ability to automatically populate payment forms with test payment details specifically tailored for testing and development environments.
User Comments
Saves time during test cycles.
Reduces errors related to payment data entry.
Essential for e-commerce testing.
Highly recommended for developers.
User-friendly interface enhances productivity.
Currently, there is no verifiable data on the number of users, revenue, or funding from either the ProductHunt page or the company's website.
Market Size
The global market for browser extensions facilitating testing and development is expected to grow robustly, aligned with the increasing online e-commerce market size, projected to reach $5.4 trillion by 2026.


Auto-fill loan applications instantly, share with any lender
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Filling out loan applications is a time-consuming process, often taking up to an hour per form. Users must redo forms for each lender, leading to wasted time and decreased efficiency in securing the best loan rates.
An AI-powered tool that instantly auto-fills loan applications, allowing users to share their filled PDF/XML with any lender for pre-approvals and to secure the best rates. This solution aims to significantly cut down time spent on paperwork and improve the mortgage journey.
The primary users are individuals seeking loans, particularly those in the process of securing mortgages. This also includes busy professionals and anyone looking to streamline their loan application process with technology.
Unique Features
The product's unique features include AI-powered efficiency for auto-filling applications, the ability to share filled documents with any lender, and support for both PDF and XML formats to cater to various lender requirements.
User Comments
Users have not yet shared their opinions publicly.
Specific traction metrics such as number of users, MRR, or newly launched features are not available through the provided links. Further research is required to obtain these details.
Market Size
The global digital lending platform market size was $5.58 billion in 2019 and is expected to grow to $20.31 billion by 2027.

Schema Validator Browser Extension

Boost SEO with One-Click Schema & Rich Results Testing
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SEO professionals and content creators struggle to manually view, validate, and export schema markup from web pages. This process is time-consuming and prone to errors, which can negatively impact organic search performance and reduce website visibility.
The Schema Validator Browser Extension is a tool that allows users to easily view, validate, and export schema markup from any page. This browser extension is designed to boost SEO by providing templates and enhancing organic search performance with one-click ease.
SEO professionals, digital marketers, and content creators who are looking to improve website visibility and organic search performance through efficient schema markup validation and enhancement.
Unique Features
The product offers a one-click solution for viewing, validating, and exporting schema markup directly from the browser. It simplifies the SEO optimization process by eliminating the need for manual markup inspection and validation, which sets it apart from traditional, more labor-intensive methods.
User Comments
Users appreciate the convenience and time-saving aspect of the extension.
Positive feedback on the ease of use for validating and exporting schema markup.
SEO professionals find it beneficial for creating templates and enhancing search performance.
Some users expressed a desire for more detailed validation feedback and error explanations.
Overall, the extension is highly valued for its contribution to SEO workflows.
As a browser extension specifically designed for improving SEO through schema validation, the product's specific traction details such as number of users, revenue, or financing are not publicly available. However, given the necessity of schema validation in SEO and the positive reception from SEO professionals, it can be inferred that the product addresses a significant need within its target market.
Market Size
The global SEO services market was valued at $46.66 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 20% from 2021 to 2026, indicating a substantial market opportunity for tools and services that enhance SEO effectiveness, including schema validation solutions.

Password Requirements Checker

Check password requirements on every login pages
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Users face difficulty in identifying the correct password requirements on various login pages.
Users might have to try multiple passwords leading to frustration and time wastage.
A password requirements checker tool that helps users instantly identify the correct password criteria on login pages.
Users can easily check the password requirements such as characters, uppercase letters, etc., and determine the right password at once.
Individuals and professionals dealing with multiple online accounts and login pages.
Employees, IT professionals, and individuals managing various passwords across online platforms.
Unique Features
Instantly identifies password criteria on different login pages, saving time and effort for users.
Enhances security by ensuring users create passwords that meet the requirements of various platforms.
User Comments
Quick and efficient tool for managing passwords on multiple platforms.
Saves time and frustration by accurately identifying password requirements.
Useful for improving password security and login experience.
Intuitive and user-friendly interface for seamless password checking.
Highly recommended for individuals dealing with numerous password-protected accounts.
The product has gained significant traction with over 5,000 monthly active users.
It has received positive reviews and a rating of 4.5 stars on
The latest version includes enhanced password scanning capabilities and user interface improvements.
Market Size
The global password management market was valued at approximately $2.6 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach $5.8 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 14.2%.