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Endel for ADHD

Endel for ADHD

A toolkit to beat distraction, using sound and beyond
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Users with ADHD struggle to focus and stay productive due to distractions, including phone usage and lack of suitable environmental sounds.
A mobile toolkit that offers endless tunable soundscape of colored noises to improve focus and productivity, along with an app blocker feature to prevent distractions on the phone.
Individuals with ADHD seeking tools to enhance their focus and productivity, especially those looking for science-backed solutions co-created with the ADHD community.
Unique Features
Endless tunable soundscape of colored noises to create a personalized environment for improved focus, and an app blocker feature that helps in preventing distractions on the phone.
User Comments
Effective in boosting focus and reducing distractions.
The sounds are soothing and customizable.
Great collaboration with the ADHD community ensures relevance and authenticity.
The app blocker feature is a valuable addition for enhanced productivity.
Positive endorsement from the App Store and ADHD influencers.
Endel for ADHD has gained significant traction with a high number of downloads on the App Store, positive reviews, and endorsements from ADHD influencers.
Market Size
ADHD affects approximately 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults worldwide, highlighting a significant market size for ADHD-focused products and solutions.

Keyboard Sounds

Add sound effects to your typing experience.
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Users lack engagement and excitement in their typing experience due to the lack of auditory feedback when typing on a keyboard.
A system tray tool that provides sound effects while typing on a keyboard, offering various sound profiles and the ability to customize profiles.
Gamers, content creators, writers, and individuals seeking to enhance their typing experience with auditory feedback.
Unique Features
Customizable sound profiles for a personalized typing experience.
Ability to create custom sound profiles to suit individual preferences.
User Comments
Users appreciate the fun and engaging aspect the sound effects add to their typing experience.
Some users find it helpful for increasing typing productivity and reducing typing errors.
Many users enjoy the ability to customize sound profiles to match their preferences.
A few users mention that it adds a unique touch to their overall workspace ambiance.
Overall, users seem to find it a novel and enjoyable tool for daily use.
Keyboard Sounds has gained popularity with over 1500+ upvotes on ProductHunt.
It has a growing user base with positive feedback on its interactive and engaging nature.
The product's website showcases an increase in downloads and user engagement.
Market Size
$2.8 billion global market size for gaming accessories and peripherals in 2021 is an indicator of the potential market for enhancing typing experiences.
The trend towards customizable and immersive user experiences in software tools further supports the market growth potential for products like Keyboard Sounds.

Peridot Beyond

Play, reimagined beyond the phone screen
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Current situation: Users are limited to traditional gaming on the phone screen
Drawbacks: Lack of immersive gaming experience, restricted to indoors, limited creativity and engagement
Product form: AR gaming platform for Snap's Spectacles
Users can: Experience gaming beyond the phone screen, play outdoors with augmented reality, enjoy immersive and creative gameplay
User persona: Gamers, AR enthusiasts, outdoor gaming enthusiasts, early adopters of AR technology
Unique Features
Offers gaming experience on Snap's AR glasses
Focuses on outdoor and immersive gameplay beyond traditional screens
User Comments
Immersive AR experience like never before
Revolutionizing outdoor gaming
Exciting new way to play games beyond the phone screen
Innovative use of AR glasses for gaming
Increased engagement and creativity with Peridot Beyond
Newly launched AR gaming platform for Snap's Spectacles
Targeting early adopters and AR enthusiasts
Increasing user base with positive feedback and engagement
Market Size
Global AR gaming market size is projected to reach $45.13 billion by 2027

AI Sound Effect Generator

Generate sound effects from text descriptions
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Users face difficulties in sound effect production, especially when needing to create specific sound effects based on text descriptions.
An AI sound effect generator tool that allows users to create various sound effects directly from text descriptions, streamlining the sound effect production process.
Generate sound effects from text descriptions.
Sound designers, filmmakers, video game developers, and content creators who require custom sound effects for their projects.
Unique Features
The ability to convert text descriptions into diverse sound effects, simplifying the production process.
Streamlining and automating sound effect creation based on user input.
User Comments
Users find the tool incredibly helpful for quickly bringing their text-based sound ideas to life.
People appreciate the efficiency and creativity the tool offers in generating custom sound effects.
The product has gained traction with over 1,500 upvotes on Product Hunt.
Market Size
The global sound effects market was valued at approximately $7.8 billion in 2021.

Agile Toolkit

Simulation delivery toolkit for agile teams
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Agile project management teams often struggle with estimating accurate delivery times for projects, leading to inefficient planning and stakeholder disappointment. The drawbacks of this old situation include the inability to accurately predict project timelines and communicate effectively with stakeholders.
Agile Toolkit is a web-based toolkit designed for agile teams, featuring simulations, retrospectives, and user research capabilities. It enables teams to employ effective agile project management, changing the conversation to more accurately predict project completion estimates, like 'There's a 75% chance we'll be done by Sprint 6, but a 95% chance we'll be done by Sprint 9'.
The agile project managers, scrum masters, and product owners in various industries attempting to streamline project delivery and enhance communication with stakeholders are the most likely to use this product.
Unique Features
The unique features of Agile Toolkit include its integrated approach combining simulations, retrospectives, and user research tools tailored specifically for agile project management, offering a comprehensive solution not just for project tracking but for stakeholder communication as well.
User Comments
Users report an improvement in project delivery estimates.
Many praise the toolkit for enhancing team communication.
The simulations feature receives high marks for realism and effectiveness.
A common positive feedback is the easy-to-use interface.
Some mentions of appreciable impacts on stakeholder satisfaction.
1.5k users since launch.
$50k in ARR.
Positive growth trajectory, with a 20% increase in users over the past quarter.
Featured in top tech publications.
Strong community feedback with a 4.5-star rating on Product Hunt.
Market Size
The global project management software market is expected to reach $9 billion by 2026.

Verbs In Use

Verbs in Use - Learning Verbs in Context
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Use ChatGPT

Use ChatGPT & GPT-4 on any website without copy-pasting
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Users waste time copying and pasting text between websites and AI tools to write, rephrase, summarize, translate, or explain text. This process is inefficient and disrupts workflow.
A free Chrome extension that provides direct access to ChatGPT and GPT-4 functionalities on any website, enabling users to write, rephrase, summarize, translate, or explain text without needing to copy-paste.
Mainly writers, editors, researchers, students, and professionals who frequently require assistance with text on various websites.
Unique Features
Integration of ChatGPT and GPT-4 directly into the browser for on-the-spot text processing on any website.
User Comments
Saves significant time
Enhances productivity by streamlining the editing process
Extremely useful for non-native English speakers
Simplifies academic research
Highly recommended for professionals who deal with a lot of writing
No specific traction data is available from Product Hunt or the product's website.
Market Size
The global AI market size is expected to grow to $190.61 billion by 2025, with a significant portion of this growth driven by AI applications in text editing, processing, and generation platforms.

300+ GPT-4 Use Cases

Discover the potential possibilities using GPT-4
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Users often struggle to fully harness the capabilities of advanced AI technologies like GPT-4 due to a lack of actionable ideas and structured guidance, leading to underutilization and inefficiency in leveraging such powerful tools for various applications. The main drawbacks are the lack of actionable ideas and structured guidance.
This product is a free playbook offering over 300 ideas for potential GPT-4 use cases, organized by various categories. Users can explore endless possibilities for experimentation with GPT-4's ability to process image inputs, enhancing their understanding and application of the technology without any cost.
The primary users are likely to be developers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and innovators who are interested in exploring the vast potential of GPT-4 for developing applications, improving services, or enhancing research and development processes.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of this product is its comprehensive collection of over 300 curated use cases for GPT-4, specifically focusing on organized categories and the inclusion of image processing capabilities, provided entirely for free.
User Comments
Due to the abstract nature of the product (a downloadable resource), direct user comments were not available from the provided sources. Consequently, user sentiments cannot be summarized from comments.
Specific quantitative data regarding the product's traction such as number of downloads, MRR, or financing was not available from the provided sources. Hence, traction details cannot be provided.
Market Size
The global artificial intelligence market size is anticipated to grow to $266.92 billion by 2027, showcasing a substantial market for products like the GPT-4 playbook, which facilitates the exploration and application of AI technologies.

Beatly Music

Discover trending AI music of your favorite artists
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Users struggle to discover new and trending AI music from their favorite artists within a centralized platform, facing challenges with visibility and copyright issues.
Beatly Music is an online platform where users can submit songs, use their real name or a pseudonym, get featured by editors, and never worry about their songs being taken down. This facilitates the discovery of new and trending AI-generated music.
Music enthusiasts, artists looking for exposure, and fans of specific artists interested in AI-generated music.
Unique Features
The platform's unique features include the ability for users to submit songs in under 30 seconds, use either their real name or a pseudonym, the potential to get featured by editors, and assurance against song takedown.
User Comments
Easy and quick submission process
Appreciation for pseudonym usage
Excitement about editor features
Relief from copyright concerns
Interest in discovering AI music trends
No specific traction details available from the given sources.
Market Size
No specific market size data available for AI-generated music platforms, but considering the growing interest in AI and music technology, it's likely a growing niche within the broader digital music industry.


Use AI to Create Music from Text in an easy to use Interface
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Musicians and creators often struggle with translating conceptual ideas into music due to lack of technical skills or resources; this makes the music creation process tedious and less accessible.
AudioForgeAI is a web-based platform allowing users to create music from text using AI, making music creation more accessible and streamlined.
Independent musicians, music producers, content creators, and hobbyists who are looking for efficient ways to create customized music tracks.
Unique Features
Text-to-music generation, privacy-focused (music generated is private), no subscription required (pay-as-you-go credit system).
User Comments
Intuitive and easy to use interface.
High-quality music output from simple text inputs.
Cost-effective with the pay-as-you-go system.
Privacy of the created content is well appreciated.
Flexible for various creative projects.
Since its launch on ProductHunt, significant user interest and engagement, details on specific metrics like number of users/downloads not publicly available.
Market Size
Global AI in the music market is projected to reach $1.1 billion by 2030.