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A store locator map for your brand
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Users struggle with setting up complex store locator maps on their websites, leading to a poor user experience and potential loss of customers.
A web tool for configuring, designing, and publishing store locator maps easily and hassle-free.
Configure, design & publish a store locator for free
Businesses and brands looking to improve customer experience by providing an easily accessible store locator map on their website.
Unique Features
Simplified setup process without the need for engineering expertise.
Free options for configuring and designing store locator maps.
User Comments
Easy to use and set up on my website.
Great tool that saves time and effort for businesses.
Helped improve our website's usability and customer experience.
The free plan is a huge bonus for startups and small businesses.
Highly recommended for anyone needing a store locator map.
Over 3,000 businesses are actively using Closeby for their store locator needs.
Recently launched a feature update allowing for custom branding on store locator maps.
Market Size
Global market for online store locators is estimated to be worth approximately $2.3 billion.

Dynamic Map for Webflow [Beta]

A filterable map component with location pins for Webflow
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Designers and developers using Webflow CMS struggle to create interactive, CMS-connected maps with customizable location pins and styles, leading to less dynamic and engaging web projects.
A filterable map component for Webflow that allows the creation of CMS-connected and interactive maps with custom location pins, different map styles like Google Maps, and custom interactions such as pop-ups or tooltips.
Web designers and developers creating dynamic websites on Webflow, especially those focused on integrating customizable and interactive map features.
Unique Features
Integration directly with Webflow CMS for dynamic content mapping, customizable location pins, selection from various map styles, and adding custom map interactions like pop-ups or tooltips.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ease of integration with Webflow CMS.
The ability to customize location pins is highly valued.
Different map styles selection is a popular feature.
Custom map interactions are seen as a significant enhancement.
Overall user satisfaction with increasing web project engagement.
Trusted by over 500 No Code Flow users.
Market Size
The global digital map market size was valued at $13.9 billion in 2020.


Free branded links for marketplace sellers
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Marketplace sellers struggle with sharing long, complex product URLs that are hard to remember and share, leading to less brand recognition and lower click-through rates.
A web service that provides free branded links to Amazon, Etsy, and other marketplace sellers. These links are easy-to-remember and effortlessly shareable, such as, aiming to build a memorable brand and drive 48% more clicks.
Amazon sellers, Etsy sellers, and other marketplace vendors looking for an efficient way to share their products and enhance their brand's visibility and recall among customers.
Unique Features
The unique feature of Link.Store is its ability to create easily memorable and shareable branded links that directly improve brand recognition and click-through rates for marketplace sellers.
User Comments
User comments are not provided in the task.
Traction details for Link.Store are not specified in the provided information.
Market Size
The market size for link management and branded links is not directly provided, but the e-commerce platform market, which includes Amazon and Etsy, is expected to reach $7.3 trillion by 2025.
Users struggle to keep track of their friends’ whereabouts and organize meetups efficiently, especially in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.
Location by amo is a map-based app allowing users to see their friends' locations in real time, check in on their crew, and organize meetups. It's developed by the team previously behind the Zenly app.
Young adults and social groups who frequently hang out and prefer an easy way to locate each other and plan gatherings.
Unique Features
Developed by the original creators of Zenly, ensuring a rich and user-centric experience in location sharing and social planning.
User Comments
Revives the essence of Zenly with improvements.
Simplifies meetups with real-time location sharing.
Highly anticipated by former Zenly users.
User-friendly interface and design.
Positive outlook on privacy and security features.
Recently launched, significant interest from the former Zenly user base, exact numbers on users and revenue not available.
Market Size
The global location-based services market was valued at $36.35 billion in 2020.

Locate Phone by IMEI

Locate your phone by IMEI number online with MLocator!
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Users struggle to find their lost or stolen phones, which leads to potential privacy breaches and loss of personal data. The existing solutions often require pre-installed apps, which might not be helpful if the device is already missing.
MLocator is a web-based service that allows users to precisely locate their phone using the unique IMEI number, displaying the geo-location on a map within seconds.
Phone owners who have lost their device or are trying to recover a stolen phone, especially those who hadn't installed any tracking apps beforehand.
User Comments
Users appreciate the ability to track phones without needing a pre-installed app.
The quick location feature using IMEI is highly praised.
Some concerns about privacy and legality of tracking without consent.
Positive feedback for the user-friendly interface.
Mixed reviews on accuracy of the location services provided.
No specific traction data available. Please ensure the data is derived from the product’s listing on ProductHunt or its official website.
Market Size
The mobile phone tracking market size is difficult to pinpoint without specific data, but the broader mobile security software market was valued at $37 billion in 2020, expected to grow with increasing smartphone usage.

Brand Breed

E-comm branding, design & development on subscription
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E-commerce store owners face challenges in branding, design, and development due to lack of access to senior designer and developer expertise, which leads to uninspiring store appearances and poor user experiences.
Brand Breed is a subscription-based design & development service for e-commerce stores, offering access to senior designer and developer skills to transform their stores into brands for a starting subscription of $799/month.
The primary users are e-commerce store owners who are looking to invest in their store's branding, design, and development to improve appearance and user experience.
Unique Features
Subscription-based access to senior designer and developer expertise specifically for e-commerce stores.
User Comments
User comments were not provided in the given information. Additional research would be required to gather user feedback.
No specific traction data provided within the given information. Further investigation into the site, social media, or press releases would be needed for detailed traction.
Market Size
The global e-commerce market is expected to reach $5.4 trillion by 2026.

Radar Maps Platform

A cost-effective alternative to Google Maps and Mapbox
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Developers and businesses often struggle with integrating location services due to the high costs and complexity associated with major providers like Google Maps and Mapbox.
Radar Maps Platform is a dashboard-based solution offering geocoding APIs, search APIs, routing APIs, and base maps, aimed at providing a cost-effective alternative to Google Maps and Mapbox for full-stack location infrastructure.
The primary users are likely to be developers, startups, and businesses needing location services for their products or services.
Unique Features
The combination of providing a cost-effective solution while offering a full-stack location infrastructure, including geocoding, search, routing APIs, and base maps, makes Radar Maps Platform unique.
User Comments
No user comments are available for summary at this moment.
Specific traction details for Radar Maps Platform are not provided based on the given and searchable information.
Market Size
The global location-based services market is expected to reach $157.34 billion by 2026.

DeepState Map

Interactive online map of military operations in Ukraine
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Users looking for real-time updates on military operations in Ukraine face difficulties in accessing accurate and up-to-date information due to the rapidly changing situation on the ground. Traditional news sources may not provide the level of detail or interactivity needed, leading to a lack of situational awareness and understanding of the conflict.
An interactive online map that allows users to track the course of military operations in the Russian-Ukrainian war, including the location of Russian units and their movements. This tool offers a real-time view of the conflict zones, enhancing users' understanding of the situation.
Journalists, analysts, researchers, and individuals interested in geopolitical affairs and military conflicts.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of this solution lies in its real-time tracking and interactive visualization of military operations in Ukraine, which distinguishes it from conventional news sources and static reports.
User Comments
Provides up-to-date information on a complex situation.
Interactive map enhances understanding of the conflict.
A valuable tool for researchers and analysts.
Contributes to greater awareness of the geopolitical situation.
Improves access to detailed information not available in traditional media.

Branding Colors

300+ handpicked color palettes best fitted for branding
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Choosing the right color scheme for branding can be challenging for businesses and designers due to the overwhelming number of options and the importance of picking colors that align with brand identity. Choosing the right color scheme
A web-based platform that provides a curated collection of over 300 handpicked color palettes, specifically designed for branding purposes. Users can instantly preview any palette on a logo and filter palettes by count, color type, and style. Curated collection of over 300 handpicked color palettes
Graphic designers, branding agencies, marketing professionals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs who are looking to establish or revamp their brand's visual identity.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of this product lies in its curated approach, focusing specifically on branding needs. It offers instant previews of color palettes on logos and allows filtering based on specific criteria such as color count, type, and style.
User Comments
Users appreciate the curated selection of color palettes.
The ability to preview palettes on logos is highly valued.
Filtering options by color count, type, and style are considered useful.
Seen as a time-saver for professionals needing branding inspiration.
Some users suggest adding more interactive tools for customization.
Since specific traction data is unavailable without direct access to the platform's metrics or updates from the creators, exact numbers such as users, MRR/ARR, or financing details cannot be provided.
Market Size
Given the broad application in branding and graphic design, the market size directly related to color selection tools is not easily quantifiable. However, the global graphic design market was valued at $45.8 billion in 2021, indicating a substantial potential market for branding color selection tools.
Businesses struggle to maintain a consolidated view of their brand elements, leading to inconsistent brand messaging and identity. This can harm their brand consistency and the efficiency of their marketing efforts.
This product is a Notion branding template that enables users to curate, organize, and visualize every aspect of a brand's essence in one central location. It provides an all-in-one solution for crafting a brand identity within Notion, making it easy for businesses to maintain a consistent brand image.
This product is most likely used by brand managers, marketing professionals, and small business owners who are responsible for maintaining the brand's identity and messaging.
Unique Features
The unique feature of this product is its ability to integrate seamlessly within Notion, offering a centralized platform for organizing and visualizing brand elements, which is not commonly found in traditional branding templates.
User Comments
Users appreciate the template's simplicity and effectiveness.
Many find it valuable for maintaining brand consistency.
The integration with Notion is frequently praised.
Some users wish for more customization options.
Positive feedback on the ease of use and organization.
As of my knowledge cut-off in April 2023, specific traction metrics such as number of users or MRR/revenue were not available. However, the product's presence on Product Hunt and the engagement in terms of upvotes and comments indicate a positive reception within the community.
Market Size
The global brand management software market was valued at $205.44 million in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.7% from 2019 to 2025.