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Saturday  Aug 5, 2023


Manage your whole life in Notion
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Users struggle with managing various aspects of their personal lives, from planning and organization to finance management, leading to inefficiencies and stress. managing various aspects of their personal lives
LifeOS is a platform that integrates with Notion, offering functionalities for life planning, serving as a second brain, and managing finances. It enables users to organize their whole life within Notion, providing a comprehensive solution for personal management and planning needs. integrates with Notion, offering functionalities for life planning, second brain, and managing finances
Individuals seeking an organized approach to life management including professionals, students, and anyone looking to enhance personal productivity and financial oversight. professionals, students
User Comments
LifeOS has helped streamline personal and financial organization
Users appreciate the all-in-one nature of the tool
Notion integration is highly valued
Some users experience a learning curve
Positive impact on personal productivity
Precise current traction details unavailable. For best results, visit the product's ProductHunt page or official website for updates.

Canva Mockup Templates

Create the best product mockup easy peasy - just drag & drop
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Users struggle with design when trying to create product mockups to improve product sales, leading to mockups that don't effectively enhance their product's appeal. Struggle with design and creating effective product mockups are the main drawbacks.
Canva Mockup Templates is a tool offering a drag-and-drop interface to create product mockups. Users can choose from various templates to create visually appealing mockups for their products with minimal effort. Drag-and-drop interface to create product mockups is the core feature.
Notion creators, digital marketers, product managers, and small business owners who need to create product mockups to enhance their sales and marketing efforts.
Unique Features
The integration with Canva allows for a wide range of design options, and the specific focus on Notion creators shows a niche targeting that makes this product stand out.
User Comments
Extremely user-friendly and saves a lot of time.
Enhances the visual appeal of products significantly.
Integration with Notion is a game-changer for creators.
Lack of more advanced design features was noted by some users.
Overall satisfaction with the ease of creating professional-looking mockups.
The product has garnered positive feedback on ProductHunt, indicating a growing interest and potentially a substantial user base, but specific numbers such as users or revenue are not provided.
Market Size
The global market for graphic design, including mockup tools, was projected to grow significantly. While specific data for mockup products is scarce, the broader market signal considerable demand, with the digital design software market expected to reach $15.2 billion by 2027.


Copy any design style with a click, on Figma
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Designers often struggle to consistently apply a specific design style across multiple elements in Figma, which can be time-consuming and reduce workflow efficiency.
Cloneify is a tool that integrates with Figma, enabling users to easily copy a design style across multiple elements with a click. This improves workflow efficiency and speeds up the design process.
UI/UX designers, web designers, and graphic designers who frequently use Figma for their design projects.
Unique Features
The unique feature of Cloneify is its ability to instantly apply a design style across multiple Figma elements with just a click, streamlining the design process significantly.
User Comments
User comments data not provided; unable to summarize.
Traction data not provided; unable to summarize.
Market Size
Data not provided; unable to summarize.

Notion Template Organizer

Notion organizer for your Notion template collections
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Users struggle to manage and organize their numerous Notion templates efficiently, leading to time wastage and decreased productivity due to the difficulty in finding and applying the right templates for different tasks and projects.
A specialized dashboard tool, the Notion Template Organizer allows users to centralize, manage, and organize all their Notion templates in one convenient location, facilitating easier access and application of templates to streamline their workflow and increase efficiency.
The primary users are Notion power users, content creators, project managers, and professionals who rely heavily on Notion for their daily tasks and project management and require a more structured way to access and manage their templates.
Unique Features
The Notion Template Organizer offers a unique, centralized dashboard specifically designed for organizing Notion templates, which sets it apart from generic organizational tools by providing features tailored for Notion users' needs.
User Comments
Efficient and time-saving
A must-have for Notion enthusiasts
Greatly simplifies template management
Intuitive and user-friendly interface
Enhances productivity and workflow
Since specific traction data is unavailable, it's recommended to check the product's page on ProductHunt and its official website for the most current information.
Market Size
The global productivity and project management software market, where Notion and its templates operate, is valued at approximately $5.37 billion in 2021 and is expected to grow steadily.


Where your words end, we find music for you
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Users often struggle to find a consistent practice for gratitude journaling due to a lack of motivation and ambiance that fosters mindfulness and joy. Traditional journaling might feel monotonous or uninspiring without the right atmosphere, leading to a decreased sense of mindfulness and joy.
GratiTune is an application that enhances the gratitude journaling experience by combining it with peaceful mood tracks. Users can express gratitude while listening to well-selected music, embracing the transformational power of mindfulness and joy. This integration of writing and music offers a unique approach to cultivate gratitude, mindfulness, and well-being.
Individuals seeking mindfulness and gratitude practices, including wellness enthusiasts, meditation practitioners, and people looking to enhance their daily gratitude practice.
Unique Features
The unique combination of gratitude journaling with peaceful, mood-enhancing music specifically chosen to complement the journaling experience.
User Comments
No user comments available for analysis.
Launched on 08 Aug 2023, no specific traction data such as number of users, revenue, or major updates available.
Market Size
The global mental wellness market is projected to reach $120.8 billion by 2024, demonstrating a growing interest and demand for wellness and mindfulness-based applications.

Layman Law

Cut through the legal B.S and save thousands of dollars
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Individuals often struggle to understand legal documents due to their complex language, which leads to spending thousands on legal fees for clarification.
Layman Law is a legal AI tool that simplifies legal language, enabling users to quickly comprehend legal documents and sign them with confidence, without the need for expensive legal consultations.
The primary users are likely individuals who frequently interact with legal documents, including small business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone involved in legal agreements but lack a background in law.
Unique Features
The unique aspect of Layman Law is its ability to translate dense, complex legal jargon into simple, understandable language, making legal documents accessible to the layman.
User Comments
Users praised the ease of understanding complex legal documents.
Positive feedback on the money saved on legal fees.
Appreciation for the confidence gained in dealing with legal documents.
Highlighted as a valuable tool for small business owners.
Some requests for more languages and legal document types to be supported.
Unfortunately, specific traction data for Layman Law, including user numbers, revenue, etc., was not readily available from the provided sources or Product Hunt.
Market Size
The global legal services market was valued at $849 billion in 2020, showcasing a substantial market for legal assistance and educational tools like Layman Law.


Matching parents available for sitting kids to each other
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Parents often struggle to find affordable and trustworthy babysitting services. Traditional options can be expensive and lack personal trust.
Hand is a platform that matches parents available for sitting kids with each other, using a point system instead of cash for transactions. Parents earn points by babysitting others' kids, which they can then use to have their own kids looked after. The AI algorithm ensures suitable matches, and parents have the option to be matched with friends only.
Parents seeking affordable, trustworthy babysitting options, and who are willing to participate in a community-based exchange of services.
Unique Features
Uses a point system instead of cash, AI algorithm for suitable matching, option to be matched with friends only.
User Comments
Innovative approach to babysitting
Affordable alternative to traditional services
Builds a sense of community among parents
Trustworthy system with friend-only option
Flexible and convenient for parents
Since the product information and website links provided do not include specific traction data, I'm unable to give quantitative traction details without access to accurate and current sources.
Market Size
The global childcare market size was valued at $339.93 billion in 2020, expected to increase significantly as parents continually seek more flexible and affordable childcare solutions.


Unlock conscious, healthy, and sustainable food choices
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Users struggle to make conscious, healthy, and sustainable food choices due to the overwhelming number of products available, leading to difficulty in identifying balanced products that meet their quality, preferences, sustainability, dietary needs, and health goals.
A food tech solution that uses continuous learning from user feedback to identify balanced products with personalized precision based on quality, preferences, sustainability, dietary needs, and health goals, ensuring accurate and relevant recommendations.
Health-conscious consumers looking for food choices that align with their quality, sustainability, dietary needs, and health goals.
Unique Features
The product uniquely offers personalized precision in food recommendations based on a wide range of criteria including quality, preferences, sustainability, dietary needs, and health goals, combined with a continuous learning system that ensures recommendations stay accurate and relevant.
User Comments
Highly valuable for making healthier and sustainable food choices.
Personalized recommendations are spot-on.
Continuous improvement from user feedback is impressive.
Helps achieve health goals effectively.
Great for discovering new food products aligned with personal values.
Not enough specific traction data such as user numbers or financials was found on the product.
A measurement of success could be inferred from user reviews indicating high satisfaction and relevance of the product to their needs.
Market Size
The global health and wellness food market is expected to grow to $811.82 billion by 2021.

Code Blocks by Sttabot AI

Build native applications in seconds
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Developers face challenges in developing native applications quickly due to the complexity and time required to configure frontend, backend, and database components separately. The slow and intricate process hinders efficient app development.
Code Blocks by Statbot AI is a tool that offers AI-generated code blocks, allowing developers to instantly access preconfigured frontend, backend, and database components in one script. With this tool, users can effortlessly deploy native applications, making coding more efficient and lucrative.
Software developers, app builders, technology startups, and IT professionals who are involved in the process of creating native applications for various platforms.
Unique Features
The uniqueness of Code Blocks by Statbot AI lies in its AI-generated code blocks that encompass frontend, backend, and database components within a single script, greatly speeding up the development process of native applications.
User Comments
Users find it incredibly time-saving.
Praised for its ease of use.
Highly efficient in speeding up development cycles.
Favorable for both experienced and novice developers.
Seen as a revolutionary approach to app development.
Unfortunately, specific traction numbers such as number of users, MRR, or funding details are not available from ProductHunt or the product’s webpage.
Market Size
The global app development software market size is expected to reach $407.31 billion by 2026.